Wish we had some of that rain around here. I don't think it's rained since the last week of June and it's been really hot (typical Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati summer).

Rain, especially after a hot spell, can really turn the fish on, but the associated cold front, after it passes, can flip the switch and turn them back off for a couple days.

Lightning + fishing rod + being on or around the water = high risk.

In the rain, I have good results with terrestrial stuff (SJ worms, beetles, inch worms, woolie worms, ants, etc. Pretty much anything that looks like it was washed in the lake from the rain. Also, minnow patterns work well with larger fish feeding on the smaller fish coming up closer to shore to eat the worms and stuff getting washed in.

It sometimes depends on the rain though. I've never had much results fishing during downpours (gully washers) and I won't fish during lightning storms so I don't have a clue how fishing is then.

I do like fishing in a good steady rain though (not a downpour and not just a light sprinkle). Some of my best days fishing have been using the above type patterns and walking the shore of a lake in a good rain. One benefit offishing in the rain, most of the other fishermen are gone and you'll have large areas of the lake to yourself to just walk the shore and catch fish.

Normal cautions apply - rain gear, dress warmer than you think you'll need, good shoes so you don't slip and fall, etc.

Let us know how it went.
