You are right.... the Dahlburg Diver is a great fly and I have caught my share of bass with them. But eventually they start to retain water. Since I am not a great tier, (especially with "messy" deer hair) and hate throwing large soggy flies, I now use a foam version called the Stealth Bomber. I have fished it many ways. Sometimes making it dive with hard strips forming a bubble trail works best. Sometimes multiple short pops and gurgles work best. But, what ever the case, do not underestmate the pause. Most of my strikes come when the fly is sitting still. I fish in a heavyly fished lakes and I think the pause makes the fly very different than most of the spinning lures they see. The bass seem more willing to hit the fly when it is just sitting there looking "helpless". I am not saying that the Stealth Bomber attracts more bass than the Dahlberg Diver, only that the Stealth Bomber is easier for me to tie and I can fish the same one all day. I am partial to yellow, black, and white. The link to tieing the Stealth Bomber is included below.