I have been needing to figure out how to post photos here from Photobucket. I thought this project would be a good one to try and it might help someone else out. How I did this project is for an example, you may choose to do something different.

Building a Dubbing Rake

Assemble the materials:

Cut the hacksaw blade using a dremel tool and cut-off wheel:

Smooth the sharp edges and round the corners:

Heat the screwdriver blade tip:

Bend the blade 90 Degrees:

Squeeze the JB weld out on mixing pad and mix thouroughly:

Add epoxy to the inside of the screwdriver blade (this will cause the hacksaw blade to pull against the screwdrive blade and will be stronger.

Add hacksaw blade to screwdriver handle, add extra epoxy to outside and smooth:

Raking course fur:

Raking fine fur:

This has turned out to be a very useful tool.