Quote Originally Posted by kglissmeyer View Post
Fishing scud patterns is one of my all time favorite methods in many stillwaters, especially Henry's Lake in Idaho. We fished water last October that was full of weeds, fish and scuds. The depth was between 5' and 12' and we trailed a scud about 18-inches behind a black, bead-head bugger on a 10-foot leader and using an Intermediate, clear sink-tip line. Slow strips interspersed with a quick one-two. We slayed them to say the least. I also recommend scuds in slow waters such as limestone spring creeks allowed to flow with the current suspended by some type of unobtrusive indicator. We use this method on one of my favorite spring creeks and really see success.

Here's a pic of a nice Cutthroat we landed from our favorite sping with this method and an amber scud:

And here's one from that epic Henry's Lake event last October:

one more from Henry's Lake:

All on scuds.

Here's one of my favorite patterns:

KG's Spring Creek Scud

Hook: DaiRiki 125 size #14/12
Thread: 8/0 Amber
Tail: Amber dubbing
Shellback: Plastic bag strip cut to width
Rib: Pearl Krystal Flash
Body: Amber dubbing ? picked out and trimmed

I also tie this in an olive color, which color we used at Henry's Lake

Hope this info helps and good luck. One thing about stillwater fishing with scuds is the take is monstrous, those fish really attack that critter with gusto.


That's a great looking scud pattern. May need to get with you on that one!
Gotta check the size I'll be needing.
