To some, it's using dry flies cast to rising trout
To some it includes using nymphs
To some it's fishign for bluegill, bass and crappie with a fly rod and poppers or streamers
To some it's fishing in salt water

On some waters it's what the law considers fly fishing.

One thing I think we can all agree on is those of us who practice fly fishing in all of its various forms have a deep love for the sport and an appreciation for the fish we're going after and a love for the water in which they live.

Rather than bicker about what is and what isn't fly fishing, we really should focus on what we agree upon and why we love to fly fish (even if my fly fishing is different than yours).

I love to fly fish because it's slower paced and more relaxed than just about any other type of fishing I do. I love the sound of the fly line going through the air and the deep bend in the fly rod even a medium size fish can produce.

Why has it ruined my life - well, I can't say that it has. It's taken over my fishing and I probably use the long rod 20 times for every 1 time I revert back to my spinning gear. I've spent a lot of money on fly fishing but I believe it's still less expensive overall than golf.
