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Thread: Bobbin issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Riverton, WY

    Default Bobbin issues

    So I got a new bobbin from Cabelas (Cabelas brand for those counting) last time I was at their store. Unfortunately the darn thing is better at cutting thread than my scissors. Any way to help solve this issue outside of throwing it in the trash and buying a decent bobbin?
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  2. #2


    If the store isn't that far away, I'd take it back and ask for a refund. If a bobbin won't allow thread to flow through it smoothly without damage, its useless in my opinion.
    Last edited by fishin' fool; 04-30-2010 at 04:39 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Ashburn, Virginia


    I agree with Fishin' Fool; if it came out of the package with a nick in the tube, send it back.


  4. #4


    If you can't do what the others suggested and you have a lot of time and patience, take some jewelers paper and have a go. I did it once just because I didn't have anything better to do. It works.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Niagara Falls, NY


    I agree with fishin' fool, but if you can't return it try to fix it. if it doesn't have a ceramic tip it may have a burr in the steel shaft. Try using very fine steel wool and polishing the inside of the tube. Or better yet, I remember reading somewhere about making your own bobbins, and I think part of that article showed how to set a bead in to the tube of the bobbin which would shield the thread from any burrs in the steel. If you aren't going to return it may as well try to fix it, if you break it you really aren't any more worse off that before you started.

    I found the link to the home made bobbin instructions, in it describes how to set a bead in to the end of the tube:


  6. #6
    Normand Guest


    since nobody asked and assumes its the tube thats cutting the therad, i'll ask this: is it the tube thats actualy cutting the thread or are the bobbin arms holding the spool too tight and you are "breaking" the thread instead of "cutting"?

    you can spread out the arms to hold the spool a little less tightly.

    glue in a glass bead on both ends of the tube is another fix.

    return them to cabelas and buy a good tiemco ceramic bobbin holder or even the new marc petitjean bobbin holder (man is that one sweet piece of tying equipment)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Golden, Co. USA


    What Normand said. Buy a quality bobbin. Use that one for wire or lead.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Woodland, CA USA


    go find a set of files at HArbor Freight. They are used to clean the ports in welding equip. I don't know what they are called, but they are tiny and round.
    ‎"Trust, but verify" - Russian Proverb, as used by Ronald Reagan

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    a very small burr could still nick thread. I suggest a remedy using what you already probably have at home, toothpaste (the white kind) and an eraser. Put the toothpaste on the eraser and 'grind' the tip fo the bobbin into the eraser. You don't have to press hard, just keep twisting it back and forth. The inside AND the outside of the tip will become polished.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Greenwood, MO


    I bought a Cabelas bobbin once too and had the exact same problem. I returned it (they were very nice about it) and bought a Griffen instead. No more store brand bobbins for me. Plenty of other tools may be fine, but I'm done with cheap bobbins.

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