Always a conundrum for me, Remote fishing opportunities are so varied!

MOST of the time, here in Colorado I hike in lightweight hippers and wading boots. The trick is that the wading boots must be excellent and perfectly fitted....I went to no-felt last year when I had to replace my worn out felt bottom boots, and now use the Simms boots with studded soles. That made all the difference....frozen or muddy felt is impossible to hike in. The only other shoes I bring are Teva sandals.

For cold weather or deeper water, I've been known to hike in full waders with heavy full backpack (multi-night trips, and just can't resist fishing that river on the way in!)-- but the problem is the damned pack tends to slip down over the slick wader exterior.

I wish Simms made hippers instead of just pants and full waders....tho a pair of those pants is in my future.