Such a beautiful day today during lunch...6mph wind, 72F...I HAD to go fishing!
I hit a pond that 2 years ago was EXCELLENT...big bluegills, good numbers, plus a shot at some decent catfish on occasion.
This was the pond that got ruined by an ice-angler who apparently didn't practice catch & release or selective harvest. Last year it was rather poor fishing, except for the occasional catfish. I caught and saw very few bluegills there last year, even during the spawn.

But, its close to work, so that's where I went today. I thought maybe I saw a bluegill, but whatever it was came to the surface, than dove back down…so it could have been a frog or small turtle.

I DID see a couple grass carp, and put a fly in front of them a few times, but they weren’t interested, and finally headed for deeper water. And here I have to admit soon as I saw those big grass carp lurking in the shallows, my I started SHAKING! I noticed my legs really shaking, and then when I tried to change flies, my hands were doing the same. I guess it was the anticipation of what would happen if I managed to hook one. Now...I always get excited when I see a school of white bass smacking baitfish on the surface within casting range. THAT always puts a big smile on my face. But this was totally different. I'm at a loss to describe it.

But anyway...Skunkeroo, baby. I did see 2 bluegill carcasses…probably winter-casualties.