
Folks should actually consider the context of the author's writings before they critique it.

I've written reviews of articles, videos, and books in the past where I made criticisms regarding the potential negative impact of advice given therein if applied in other regions, states, etc. But that should be the way it is handled if done respectfully and with civility. One such example was when I wrote that a Jim Teeny video wherein he demonstrates how to throw rocks at steelhead to move them to the end of the pool he can cast to could very easily get you arrested in some states (harassment of game) and is considered highly unethical in most places. But in the Pacific Northwest where Teeny fishes, apparently this is no big deal among steelhead anglers.

Realizing that we don't know much about the outdoors or our sport beyond that which we have experienced firsthand is pretty important to those of us who presume to write about it. On the Internet, it is quite common for people to make this mistake and criticize or take offense to things based upon their limited perspectives and experiences when, in fact, the Internet is global in scope...something we all need to try and keep in mind.