I really enjoyed your article LF. It got me to wondering if the way I practice is a good way or not. I've only been fly fishing for a year, so I've tried to practice alot and need to practice more. The only instruction I've had has came from Doug Swisher videos and a couple of trips with Jack and Warren. (which I enjoyed and appreciated greatly) I don't know of any certified instructors around here so I've had to come up with my own practice regimen.

I don't know if this is a good way or not, but when I practice I cast straight line cast, slack line cast, right reach cast, then left reach cast then repeat the 4. I try to make my cast, then pick up and do the next one without any false casting. Standing out in my yard I do fairly well, out on the water... well my username should give you the idea. When I try casting to target, I use the mulch around our trees in the yard for a target. The mulch surrounds the trees in about a foot or so in all directions. I figure if I can land my fly on that I'm doing very well and it's realistic, at least around here for fishing under the overhanging branches. (I DIDN"T say I could do it, just that I try. ) Anyway, that is how I practice and I just wondered if you think that is a good way or should I practice differently.

I probably shouldn't mention this, but I will anyway. I just use a piece of yarn for a fly and usually before the session is over I have a CAT fish after the fly. A 4 legged CAT fish that is. I'm sure that doesn't help my casting skills, but it sure adds another degree of difficulty trying to land a fly on target.


PS, I'm not a proud manly man, I love this sport and want to learn all there is to know about it. What is a puddle cast?