Went and checked out the Drake forum. Heck, I figured I might as well. A couple of observations, though:

1. I was actually considering maybe subscribing to The Drake magazine, but am having second thoughts now. I've not been able to get my hands on an issue, but had heard good things about it. But ... I work in the media, and I'm not sure how tight the forum's connection to the magazine management is, but one of the Drake forum's recent topics was on the "death" of flyfisherman.com, and now this discussion has popped up here. I'm all for brand loyalty, but it should be built on the quality of your product or site, not semi-anonymous hit-and-run tactics so common on the Internets. If these are tactics to drive hits for The Drake and the magazine's management is responsible, then that's not good. If they're not, they should consider reigning some of that in, because that forum, and, to a degree, the participants, reflect their reputation. The right way to do it would be to be open and honest, sponsor a site like FAOL, then mention the forum, or at least be open about your connection when you guide people there from another forum.
Also, reveling in the "death," real or imagined, of any media outlet right now - not very classy.

2. The "vulgarity," honestly, doesn't exactly bother me. I'm a child of the Web age. I've seen way too much in life and on a computer for much to shock me at this point, and that doesn't color my opinion of The Drake. What does, however, is the overall tone of the forum. Would I post a question there being a newbie? Not a snowball's chance. Am I scared of a little ridicule? Nah, I realize that my knowledge on fly fishing would be dwarfed by the head of a pin. But, at the same time, from just a short visit there, would I expect an honest answer if I asked on that forum what the best line would be for me to use to chase smallmouth on my local river? Not a snowball's chance. Here, I know I'd probably receive multiple theories, a little old-school, a little new-school, but mainly good solid friendly guidance.
I have never had a problem on this site.

I'm Not saying this forum's better in any way, because to each his own. But I guess I'm saying the grass does seem greener on this side, at least to me.