Since I use glasses to see normally, I am "stuck" with fit overs (vs. carrying prescription sunglasses that I probably won't be carrying all the time ). Anyway, I tried Solar Shields that I found at the local Gander Mountain and find they work great. I prefer the amber tint because they work very well in low light conditions, if I were to buy a second pair (which I did, but my wife stole them!) it would be the grey lenses for brighter conditions, I feel they are dark enough for bright days, which I find the ambers don't quite cut it on.

Since I first bought my SS's, I have seen them at Walmart. I find they work well and are about $20 (for the fit overs), so they won't break the bank. They don't just come in fit overs (don't know the cost of the non-fit overs), but even then they are not the most stylish. If you're OK with that, I recommend them.
