If the price of my Spam goes up because of increased demand prompted by this lawsuit I am not going to be a happy person. So to all of you who have never tried Spam it is a horrid tasting vile substance made from portions of swine which I shall not name. As has been pointed out by another poster that many people in fact hate Spam with a passion.
I suggest that if you have never tried it that you avoid experiencing it. This will save you the very real probability that you will not only not care for Spam, but of either going hungry until your next meal, or spending time preparing something else to eat at the moment.
I further suggest that to truly appreciate the full Spam experience that you do so by eating it cold. As it is pre-cooked this is perfectly safe and will do you no harm.
Now, if you will follow the above instructions, I am confident that the price of my Spam will remain stable and I shall not have to address any further posts to this subject.
Thank you, Bon Apitite