Sunlight discoloration of Peacock Herl, is how you make Bronze Peacock Herl.

Just bundle some Peacock Herl together, and hang it outdoors, in direct sunlight for a couple of days, or longer. Rotate the bundle so all sides of the bundle achieve a uniform bronze coloration.

I buy my Peacock Herl, either from "Michael's" or "JoAnn Fabric". I inspect the herl, inside the sealed clear packaging, looking for plush thick herl barbs. Better than what I can find at a Fly Shop, and a lot less expensive.

As for the Eye of the Peacock, those are very fragile, but they can also be used as body wraps, for thin body wraps, if the peacock eye bundle is wrapped with some clear fine tippet (8X) material, before wrapping on the hook shank of small hook sizes #16 or smaller).
