You may have a problem in the mixing technique. Measure the the resin and the catalyst and place them close to each other but not touching. I mix on a post-it pad. Take a small flat spatula and using the tip with the handle pointing up, mix in small circles for 1 min by the clock. Do not lift the spatula off the post-it pad. After 1 min place the blade of the spatula almost parallel to the mixing pad and mix in a motion back and forth almost like you are cleaning the surface of the spatula or buttering a roll--don't lift the spatula. Remove by pressing spatula to the edge of the pad. I like a small face on the spatula 1.5inches long X .25 inches with a two inch handle. These techniques were developed over the last 30 years working with dental resins.

Your creations look great to me, In fact it is inspiring to see someone striving for the very best! It seems this forum is full of folks like this.