
There are drawbacks to each kind of thread. The UTC is nice in that you can tell what it is by the color of the disc, but it tends to fray or separate. You can do things to lessen that effect, twisting it, waxing it, etc.. All of them require paying some kind of special attention to the thread.

I've tried all the threads out there, but haven't yet found one brand or type that works for every fly I tie. So I just gave up and use the different brands and types for the applications they works the best for. This means that I have a lot of thread. I have a lot of other stuff too, and I just learn to deal with it.

I also tie with Rite Bobbins, so what I do is either leave the factory marked end of the spool where I can see it, away from the clutch disc, or mark the uncovered end of the spool with some tape and permanet marker so I can see it at a glance ( I respool a lot of empty thread spools with bulk threads, so I end up having to remark the spool or I'd never know what was on it).

Good luck in your search. Sorry I can't solve this one for you.
