Hi Sully,

Like DG, I had a fly immediately in mind and then read "minus the tails." The breadcrust is a good fly, but is tied from the tail feathers. That is the fly I first had in mind, and would guess it is also what DG was also thinking of.

That said, I have also used them for soft hackles, and for legs, etc. on nymphs. The problem with them for drys is that they are not stiff, but are soft and webby, thus ideal for soft hackles and nymphs, but virtually unsuitable for drys.

A problem with some of the feathers is a rather large stem, except close to the tip. This can be overcome and has been discussed in the past, but getting in to that could hijack the thread. I have personally not used grouse feathers for hopper wings or for caddis wings, but have used similar feahters, and the suggestion above is a good one. Such feathers can be treated with fleximent and used for such.

