
When you use a longer shank hook on a popper (especially for bass), it does a couple of things for you:

1. Creates a bit more space so you do not have to crowd your materials. This also allows you to make popper that appears to be larger with little additional weight. As you know with bass, big baits usually means bigger fish.

2. It tends to cause the popper to sit in a tail-down position in the water when at rest. This allows you to create a slight rocking motion if you just twitch the popper while it is at rest which is a terrific way to induce strikes.

3. It puts the business end of the hook right there where the fish can't miss it even if it is just smashing it to stun it.

You are right, the paint job on your poppers is terrific and it's obvious that take a lot of work to create them. You might consider using 1 hour epoxy to coat them as you can get it done with one coat and it will allow you enough time to coat 4-5 poppers at a time. Just a couple of thoughts...

Jim Smith