Here is a popper. The popper should have enough gap for hook ups shouldn't it? It is the slider where the gap isn't as good. I have a ton of these hooks that I bought on Ebay. These are number 6 Mustad worm hooks, no other description. I bought some stinger hooks, but they were too small for these popper bodies. I bought a small pack of 6 and 8 stinger hooks, and they are MUCH smaller than the number 6 worm hook. So now I am wondering what hook would be best for these poppers, and sliders. To top it off I am not sure about the mono guard. I made one very similar to someone else's who makes poppers all the time. (that might be about all he does) I used 20 pound test here, and it is pretty soft. I got some Stren clear mono for the next batch. This man told me single guards were just as good as the he tried them both ways. I would love to hear more thoughts on all this before I go to all the trouble of another batch. Once painted it takes 3 coats of Sally' it is a lot of work. I guess the more I do...the quicker I can get at this. Right now it is painfully slow work. I think the paint job is good, the rest needs tweaking.