Quote Originally Posted by wizard View Post
All in good time Ed! I was just looking thru Charlie Craven's book, and I saw his fly box of row after row of all those pretty little CJ's lined up in there. Kinda like a rainbow! Problem is Ed there is no one really close by to tutor me and no shop close by either. I'm one of those guys who is gonna have a billion and two questions. On the other hand twenty bucks here and 40 bucks there and I got enough flies to supply two or three Fish Ins! That's my plan this year to make a pile of money sellin' flies!
With the internet and sites like this you can get by without a tutor. Pretty much any question you would have has probably been answered at one time or another. There are also plenty of free tutorial videos that can be downloaded from You Tube and a couple of other fly fishing sites. Starting to tie flies in 2010 is a lot different that starting in 1960