
If our generation of Baby Boomers doesn?t meet the expectations of our parents, wonder where the current ?Me? generation is going? If it isn?t on Face Book or Twitter or some other social networking vehicle it can?t be of value. That doesn?t say much for our current status does it?[QUOTE]

The "Me" generation is going to do heart surgeries from half a world away; going into the cells of the human body to study the genome and treat cancer, diabetes, and other maladies that were a death sentence to members of the Greatest Generation, all before a child is even born; and when those kids are born, they'll learn multiple languages by going on line to a kindergarten in a foreign country; and be going to view the depths of the earth through miles of rock to find fuels that will carry us into the next century and to the next galaxy.

All these things that the Greatest Generation gave us: flight, cars, TV, radio...aren't going to hold a candle to what's coming for humanity. Space travel, cures for diseases, teleportation of matter, emissions-free energy...and things I can't even imagine. Each generation stands on the shoulders of those that came before it, building, growing, questioning, changing, advancing.

This doesn't make the Me generation evil, or spoiled, or ungrateful. The things the Me generation will be doing are incalculable now, and were impossible 50 years ago. And that's something all of their ancestors would be proud of. In this day and age it's so easy to focus on the negative, but the good far outweighs the perceived evil of Twitter and Facebook in the technological revolution.

My 85 year old grandmother talks with her 4 year old great-granddaughter every day...on Skype.