Quote Originally Posted by modocdan View Post
Yes.. I got into Facebook, at the request of my grandkids... However.......
My computer has crashed due to spyware & malware twice in the last three weeks...
My computer tech repair guy says it's a 99.99% bet that the trouble came from facebook.
Or, more accurately , through Facebook, no doubt unknown to them. The only sites I visited within a week of both incidents were Yahoo mail, FAOL. and Facebook.
I am ......done...........with Facebook. Just FYI.................ModocDan
My 17 yr old son and 19 yr old nephew both got hit with the same virus a few weeks apart. They're both on Facebook, Farmville (I still haven't understood the draw to that) and all the online multi player games. Luckily for them I was able to restore both system to remove it.

I've been working with computers for 25+ years, so it's not that I don't 'get it'. Quite the opposite. I understand too much. I just find Facebook, Twitter and the like, have absolutely nothing constructive or productive to offer society. I'm not a Luddite, in fact I cannot live without my computers and 'net access. It's just that I couldn't give a rats behind about everyone's daily "status" and the stupid things people post.

It's things like this that remind me of my favorite Andy Rooney quote"
"Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done"