Went out last year about an hour and a half drive from home. Got all geared up and flung about two casts into the river when something (???) said, "Where is your license?" No problem it's in the truck so I'll just wade back out and get it. WRONG!!! It was in the truck; but, as others have stated, it was a 2008 license. Then, reality finally struck.

(Do I really want to admit to the following???)

Another check of my fishing & hunting license holder revealed the LIFETIME FISHING & TROUT LICENSE my son had given me a couple of years ago for my birthday, stuck in the the back of the holder. That's right folks!!! I went and bought a 2008 license and never needed to do it. Must of recovered a couple of brain cells in 2009 cause I didn't buy one last year; however, my wife is now checking facilities that accept CRS (Can't remember $*it) sufferers like me.