With regard to Amnesia, the following link has some excellent tips from someone who has been flyfishing with shooting heads for a very long time.

Currently, my two favorite shooting lines are the Scientific Anglers Saltwater floating shooting line and the Scientific Anglers freshwater/saltwater intermediate shooting line. I have found both lines to work well in cool through tropical climates, though like most shooting lines, some stretching is required before fishing, espcially when it is cold. I have used the floating version in Canada for lake trout and pike, California for bass, stripers, bays, kelp and bluewater, and in North Queensland Australia for riverine, flats, beach, and inshore fishing. I have used the intermediate version in similar conditions but not as extensively as it is only about two years on the market I think.

I haven't personally used Rio's latest intermediate shooting line but I have talked with anglers that really like it and the same for Airflo's offering though I have seen some comments that the Airflo product does not work as well in warm to tropical conditions.

Rio Slick Shooter is ia mono type of product that is inexpensive and a bit more durable than Amnesia but it also needs to be stretched before fishing.