This is the first brown trout ( right at 18" ) I caught on that 14' for 8/9 - using a tandem of heavily weighted stonefly nymphs under an indicator on the South Fork of the Snake.

The thing about switch rod lengths, and longer, while they can have some mechanical advantages in some situations, the length can be a real disadvantage in other situations.

This is another place where size matters. Trying to wield that extra length over the course of a long day can be problematic for shorter people, to include me.

I once read that the optimum length of a fly rod for an individual is 1.5 times the person's height. That wasn't a scientific study, but the author's credentials supported his right to say it and his anecdotal evidence was sufficient to support the claim. When I think about the rods I have most enjoyed fishing, they have all been a bit less than 1.5 times my height. Just something to think about.
