My friend had a Selyor like that Blue one.
You dont get into one of those, you strap it on.
He's right about the safety. You just cannot swamp it. YOu might get turned over though.
One thing nobody mentioned is sleeping. What an outstanding water bed.
After paddling 11 miles up a lake, fishing along the way, I just camped in the boat for most of the night.
You just push the seat back, shove the gear down past your feet, drop the anchor, pull the sleeping bag up over your head and enjoy! Its a great water bed.

Trepidations for a boat like that is Bears.
Two of us witnessed a Bear moseying down the River bed, and coming to our Raft, he began to investigate.
He romped down on one side of it, the other side popped up and hit him in the face. He bit at it as he jumped back, but it fell away from him and he missed. We heard those Teeth pop together over the sound of the River.

He reached over the Raft, with his left foot on the bottom, he bit at the other side. The side under his belly jumped up and he whirled and bit at that.
On and on until he finally picked up what was left in his mouth and shook it back and forth. Whipped it like a Terrier shaking a Rat.

Needless to say, we didn't have enough patching material. So that Yellow Raft is still up in the brush along the Talkeetna River up near the Falls.

My Niece dropped a fish knife in the bottom of my brand new Metzler. I had to go over to the Beach and fix that so we could continue fishing.

lastly, the Sun killed the Coating on my Metzler. It came away from the fiber in long peel's, like the Sunburned skin peel's off you back and arms.
No way of fixing it.
So keep in inside, out of the sun and enjoy fishing in the safest boat you ever had.