Quote Originally Posted by lepomac View Post
Hello everyone,
I posted a similar (but much wordier) thread recently, but this one is short and sweet:

What brand (and models) of hooks do you use the most?

I would appreciate responses from all kinds of fly tyers: beginners to experts.

If you use a discontinued hook like 'Mustad classics', what would you use to replace them if you ran out, signature hooks or something else?

I want to know what kinds of hooks to offer my customers.


Speaking as someone who is forever searching for quality hooks for many types of flies tied for any number of fish types, I would recommend that you at least carry tiemco, daicchi and mustads. Don't bother with kamasan, IMO they are garbage, I used them a couple years ago for some great lakes steelhead flies and they failed miserably, I threw every last one away because they were that bad. The toughest hooks to find, for me, in the brick and mortor fly shops in my area are any kind of wet/nymph hooks in 2x strong. I don't know why, but these stores carry too many light wire hooks and don't seem to realize that some flyfishers target fish species other than trout. I like to buy supplies from a fly shop rather than any other supplier but, if they refuse to stock say a good supply of 3906 or 1120 heavy wire hooks, then I do what I have to do. Hope this offers some insight.