I have been thinking and I know that is dangerous, but, I have a question about the latest fly rods I see coming out and I need those "in the know" on fly rods to help me out.

I have been looking at 6wt rods for some smallmouth exploring that I intend to do this coming year. Understand that I do not like to use a rod that is heavy "in the hand". It just takes the enjoyment out of my fishing, but, I also know that a smaller than a 6wt rod would not be enough rod although it would be lighter and more fun. I also would love for the rod to be shorter than 9' but that may be out of the question. I was looking around on the internet doing research on this and found a company, I will not mention the name so that no "turf" wars start, that is selling a 9' 6wt rod in a 2 piece and please understand that I do like 2 piece rods over all others. This company states that this 6wt 9' rod weighs 2.7oz! Now that really stirs my interest!

Now for my question: Most people who are going after larger fish will purchase a rod that is 6wt or larger and will put a bigger reel on it so that they can have more backing in case the larger fish decides to leave the country. This I understand, but, a larger reel will also be heavier than your "normal" trout reel and I am wondering if all the fly rod companies keep making lighter rods, won't the larger and heavier reels throw the balance of this system off and make fishing with these outfits all day a real pain?

If you check out the latest rods coming out, most are trying to get lighter and lighter and it just seems to me that putting a large arbor heavier reel on them would create a problem. What is everyone's opinions on this? Am I missing something?

Thanks for your thoughts....