It cracks me up too, but here is an excerpt from the state of Tennessee explaining why those seemingly ridiculous labels are plastered on nearly every product we see.

"Consumers are sometimes amazed at the warning labels on certain products and while manufacturers sometimes go overboard on these warnings, they are required to post warnings which advise consumers regarding dangers of which the ordinary consumer might not be aware.

In order to avoid product liability lawsuits, some manufacturers add cautionary notices to their warning labels advising against actions that would seem almost impossible for the consumer to perform in the first place such as "Never use curling iron while sleeping" or "Do not immerse in water." which is part of the warning label for numerous electrical appliances.

Some labels for appliances that heat up caution consumers that hot surfaces can cause burns while a label for a stroller warns parents to remove their child before folding stroller. While much fun has been made of some of the more outrageous warning labels, serious injury has occurred in countless cases in Tennessee where the consumer received no such warning.

Just as an ordinary consumer is going to realize that hot coffee is hot, he or she probably wouldn't expect to have to undergo skin grafts if the coffee was spilled on them. Thus, while we laugh, scrupulous manufacturers have to imagine every possible scenario that could harm consumers and post warnings in the interest of consumer safety."