LadyFisher, I've confronted a couple of mystery writers about that "sin-drome". Why is it that murder always seems to foreshadow illicit sex?

As for "sexing up" a fishing book...

"...She swung her rear in a casual motion sure to be noticed by every male in the place. It seemed to propel her to one, particular member of the opposite sex. He was big and strong, skin reddened by the sun and passion. She hovered there indecisively, admiring the light blue that fairly glowed from his gill flaps. (ed note: Y'all didn't think was about trout, did you? Write what you know...) Was this The One. Could she make the commitment to him that she had been unable to make to so many others? Was she being too forward? She eased forward, by his side. She felt the faint caress of his pects against her bulging flanks. She knew that at long last, this was the mate that was right for her. Suddenly there was a terrible noise and rush of current around her. A shiny disk of metal dropped through the meniscus and fell towards her. In a flash, her male rose from his bed, spun 'round, and attacked the threat. The battle was as swift as it was violent. When the ripples calmed, she was left alone, again..."

Ed, NBOF Romance Writer in Residence