I use all three ... Sharkskin, Ridge line and a whole assortment of "regular" lines.

IMHO, the "super lines" do shoot better ... even compared to a well maintained "regular" line. The jury is still out on which shoots better, the Shark skin or the ridge line.

Note though that for me, a light rod is a #5, so I really don't know what difference these lines would make on a #3 rod casting 45 feet.

Also, I usually cast on my home waters between 65 and 90 feet, so shooting line is an everyday cast.

Both do seem to float well too and I prefer not to use shooting heads. I mend often as well as roll and Spey cast.

Lastly, price: Up here, I can get Ridgelines for 59$ cnd and a Mastery series Steelhead taper is 64.94 cnd.

The sharkskins are 90$ cnd ... so for LESS, I get the Airflo product than I would for a "regular" line.