Thanks BBW.
I have wanted a U12 for some time now but have held off because of some concerns that I really cant seem to get an answer for.
I fish moving water, rivers. Everyone I have talked with mostly fishes these boats in calm water situations. I have concerns about how well this boat will handle class 1 & 2 rapids. I also fish some rivers with lots of rock gardens and at times the water can get shallow with channels in and around the boulder fields. I test-paddled a U12 back in the summer on a smaller, calm lake and I have no doubt the U12 is nimble enough to navigate these channels. With a little lean and an aggressive stroke with the paddle, the boat turned much better that I expected.
I realize most folks call these boats a kayak "hybrid" but to me, they are more of a canoe than a kayak, just with a few kayak-influenced features. The low gunwales concerns me as this boat is not self-bailing and I can see myself getting swamped in a rapid in one. I have some prized rods that I would cry over if I dumped the boat and lost them.
How well do you feel this boat will handle rivers with some mild class 1 and 2 rapids?

Thanks in advance!