Quote Originally Posted by garb72
is it bad to get your reel submerged or does it not matter?
It depends on the reel and the type of fish you are going after. If you are fishing for smaller fish or fish that are not likely to make hard faast runs then the drag system really isn't going to matter since its not likely to be tested. But if you are after chasing Bones, Salmon, Steelhead or large Carp that are going to test your drag then having a drag that won't fail you if it gets wet is a big concern. Unfortunately right now three of my main Salmon / saltwater reels have drags that fade terribly if they get wet. I try to keep them dry but a couple of weeks ago while trying to pose for a picture with a fresh King I managed to drop my rod into the stream and suddenly found myself without a drag on the next fish I hooked, which was a very big problem. Another one of my reels becomes very jerky or grabby when it accidentally gets dunked, which is probably worse than when the drag fades completely.

Tight Lines and Scream'n Reels!