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Thread: Some thoughts on photography

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  1. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA


    From my point of view most image editing software is going to be more than enough for the average shooter. Gimp, Irfan, even Picasa (the freebees) have more features than most of us will use or even learn to use. I personally use Lightroom which was designed to follow the workflow used by most photographers. For me that bit of structure is worth the extra dollars it may cost. Your mileage may vary. I have Gimp and Irfan loaded on my laptop to use while in the field when needed.

    Also most cameras today (including the P&S cameras) have more features and capabilities than most of us will ever use or again learn to use. I just purchased a new DSLR and from my readings on the camera over the past week it has way more capabilities then I will ever be able to learn and put to use. I bought it because of some particular types of photography I want to do and some situational photography I will be doing. The new camera has certain features that address these two areas where my previous camera did not. I looked long and hard at the different models out there and settled on one in the middle. I may have been able to purchase less of a camera and certainly could have bought more of a camera to do what I wanted but the one I settle on is a good compromise for me and offers features that will make it easier for me to get the shots I want.

    I think for most of us photography is like our fishing; a hobby and pastime that bring us enjoyment and in my case some level of peace of mind and a release from the pressures of the everyday world. My goal is to enjoy photography and if I happen to shoot something that induces a positive response from others I have exceeded that goal.

    Don't get hung up on all the techno babble. Go out and take some pictures.
    Last edited by Kerry Stratton; 10-28-2009 at 04:33 PM.
    "The reason you have a good vision is you're standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Andy Batcho

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