If this was for a reduced kit, then a vice, a bobbin holder, and scissors for tools. Materials would be black thread, yellow floss, burnt orange floss, red floss, copper wire, pheasant tail feather, hare's mask, brown, ginger, and grizzle hackles, peacock herl, partrige feathers (soft hackles), starling skin, pair of white duck quills, and a pair of hen pheasant or woodcock quills, and some grey and fox squirrel tails. I think that would cover most wet flies and nymphs. If you had some dry fly hackles, then furnace and grizzle.

For real minimal kit, same tools, but just the copper wire, hares mask, peacock herl, black thread, grizzle, furnance, and ginger hackles. You can always use the hackle fibres for wings and wing cases.

- Jeff