Let's see - I have my map in hand with all the dots representing DVDs, not my ledger, but here's the jist.

States where we've been to rodmakers gatherings or fly fishing shows, etc, are in the lead, pretty much what you'd expect, I guess:

Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, New York, Colorado, and Maine


places where FAOLers live are pretty predominant, too:

(west to east)

California, some in both Idaho and Washington, a few in Oregon, Utah, and Arizona, then about a dozen dots are in Nebraska with a few in the states north and OK, but a bunch in Texas


ALL around the Midwest (Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio) have a nice showing, as does Florida, and all the states between the Midwest and Florida have a few


North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky have just a few more.

From Maine down to Virginia, there are a lot!

So the map looks like a near smudge from Maine to Virginia, concentrations of dots in MN, IL, MI, and CO, and a nice peppering all across the Midwest and South (especially Texas), and again in CA.

Nevada is blank There's fishing there, too!

And then, there's Australia and New Zealand, Malaysia, all across Canada, Serbia, Germany, England, Romania, Italy, and The Netherlands with some dots, and a few more with one or two).

Fun. We know from the furlers board out of England that the Northern Europeans have been big into this for sometime, and there are LOTS of places where people learned from each other, Issac Walton, Jim Cramer, Claude Freaner, Henk Vehaar, and the rest, but I'd say that furlers extend around the World for sure.

I wonder about South America....?
