OK, got the pics processed and uploaded...

Well, October caddis were what I went there to fish, and they were what I ended up catching most, but far from all, of my fish on. The old standby orange-bodied muddler seemed to work well for a few days, especially in fast and choppy waters:

But the CDC caddis were my best fly by far:

Even though they drown after a couple fish and need to be dried out on the defroster between pools. This is the drying patch for the first afternoon as I came down the Lochsa:

They did not, however ALWAYS catch big fish. There seemed to be a lot of smaller fish this year, 6-10", and some a wee bit smaller, but with big appetites:

The water was in great shape, low and clear. Mark Killam fishing in the upper 110's:

Z at the green/brown sign hole:

FFB fishing in the 140s:

And getting into cutties:

We did have a little fire to contend with. There were prescribed burns up the Selway and Lochsa both. Some days it wasn't too bad:

But other days it got real smoky:

Continued in next post