Hmm.. I've always thought that the wearing off of the initial wax (on Unithread) or the floatant on a furled leader is a good thing since it gives me a chance to pause and reflect, to switch gears if I want to explore a bit.

Sometimes, like last night, a small olive caddis works so well, that I'm giddy over jewel-like fall brook trout and forget to try anything else. Then, into the evening, the leader starts sinking and just before I reach for the mucelin, I notice the steep gorge walls overhanging with cedar and spruce and the first red leaves on a maple, the ferns just turning yellow, the smell and feel of the season coming on. I switch to a fall fly, a Woods Special zipped just under the surface, and what an experience

My 2 cents in additiona to the great advice here: I think that initial wax (first post) helps with initial flotation. And if a varnish treatment seems too stiff for personal taste, try mixing in some linseed oil.
