Hi Gudmgu,
My bone with the TFO's I've owned was with the grade of cork. I'd be willing to go up some in price if they'd address that issue, especially on the Pro models. So where would you put CPS cork quality, in comparison to that of any of the TFO models?

Re: "If I am buying a new rod it matters little what others think."
Granted that's you, but then why post on, or read bulletin boards at all? Should we confine our conversations only to techniques and the weather?

Since I tend to buy several rods a year ( because I enjoy doing so ), I often sell off those that no longer interest me and use the proceeds from their sales to in part finance the new purchases.
What others think of the rods that I've bought, or am considering buying, matters a great deal when it comes to their resale value.
With all due respect, there's more to be gleaned here than our own idea's.

Best, Dave