Quote Originally Posted by Mojo View Post
Hopefully the farm will be held liable for it. I understand it's a small operation, and might put the farm under, but what else can the state do.
Mojo, be careful about passing judgment on the farm and its owners before a full investigation is complete. Put you and your family in their shoes and see if you would like for people to demand you be stripped of all that you and your family have worked for, over something that might have been completely out of your control. Think of a family (maybe your family) put on the street with nothing but the clothes on their backs over some dead fish, just so some fishermen can get the stream repaired quickly by "the state" and get back to their recreation. The owner was quoted as saying this was an accident, so we need to give people the benefit of the doubt before hanging them out for a public flogging. How would you like hear that your family business (and your only livelihood) is being wiped out by the "STATE" because of an accident, out of your control, that killed some fish and other critters? Would you willingly hand yourself over to have everything you own stripped from you because of it, or would you be looking for some empathy from your fellow man? What have we come to as a people when we are supportive of the state's destruction of family livlihoods over the loss of some fish? Nature will repair herself over time, but can the same be said of a family and its business that was taken from them? Knowing a bit about Michigan, the judgement would probably go into the General Fund and never make it to the DNR anyway, so it would be an effort in futility and the stream would be left to repair itself.

Perhaps we need to look less to the state for answers, and put on our own thinking caps and come to the rescue. I seriously doubt there was malicious intent involved here, so let's not start sounding alarmist like PETA. The sanctity of the family and human lives should always come before anything else, in spite of some fishermen being inconvenienced while the stream repairs itself.

Just my 2 cents, and I apologize if this has any political undertones. I fully understand that this post may be removed for that reason.