Well, first off, I've got a Barracuda and like it just fine. If I tied in a rotary manner I might find a lot to love about the NorVise, but I have no interest at all in doing so, ever. It always seemed more like a sewing machine or lathe and less like a vise to me, but then again, I have no real experience with it so I'm not being fair.

I've used a LAW, and if I just had more money...yeah, I really loved it. It to me is ergonomically perfect. It rotates in ways others don't. It's comfortable. It has great clearance. Love at first site really.

I've used the Dynaking Kingfisher and have been threatening to buy one for a couple of years now. A great simple vise.

I've used Regals. Great. Renzettis, terrific.

I've used the Thompson A. There were things I didn't love about the Thompson A, but it will hold a hook.

I don't think you can go too far wrong with any of the "name brand" vises, NOR, Dynaking, HMH, LAW, Regal, Renzetti, etc. Yes, they can get expensive but you get an awful lot for your money. My Baracudda is a tank. My first vise when I got back into tying was a Griffin something or other, kind of fiddly but again, a real tank. I still use it for a second vise at times.

I'm not wild about knock-offs, I'd rather spend a little more on something substantial. But each to his own. We could talk about vises for hours, and generally do.