I've got a no-name vise from Hook & Hackle that I use for almost all my saltwater work in Louisiana. Big jaws and you can crank it down really tight. For that work it's a great vise and was about $30.

I have a pair of Travelers. The one in Louisiana is rarely used because of the pair of Crown vises there. The Traveler in Florida is used all the time because it is the only one there. I have no complaints about Traveler vises whatsoever, I just find the Crown to be faster.

The Crown comes from flyfishtools.com and is a Regal knock-off. The problem with these vises are that some can be VERY hard to open. The spring closure can be so tight it's a fight to squeeze it. The other downside is that you can't use a hook larger than about a 1/0... if that. So it's not a saltwater vise at all. That being said, I've probably tied thousands of flies on my oldest Crown and use it daily. The Louisiana Traveler sits in the corner of my desk like a bad child, not because it did anything wrong, but because I never have to adjust the Crown. Squeeze and go.

Of course the Traveler is a true rotational vise and rotates much better -- as in easier -- if you want that sort of action.