I have a couple Keough Grade 2 capes I bought a few years ago and they're okay. I also have one in a Pro Grade/Tyers Grade (or whatever it's called) and it's a piece of junk (only payed $7.00 so no big deal). For $30 you can get Hebert/Miner Pro Grade capes (not quite the quality of Whiting capes but very good). Charlie Collins has very nice hackle, too, for the same price. As mentioned, saddles are nice if your only tying flies in a limited range of sizes; not all are the same though and you need to check them for size and quality. I have some Metz # 2 saddles that are good for buggers and such, but don't tie down to anything much smaller than a #12 and have way too much web for most dry fly apps (I do like them for some of the foam bodied dries I tie). I've been buying Whiting 100 packs and really like them, as well. Three colors I use most are ginger, brown and grizzly; depending on what kind of bugs you're trying to imitate, you may want dun, too.
