I may be just a slow learner, but last year my lovely wife, VEE, finally dragged me kicking and screaming into the world of belly boats. With a couple Fat Cats to our growing list of fishing goodies we are now official belly boaters and very pleased with the choice.

While it's true that a hissing or bubbling sound is the absolute worst sound for a belly boater, there is something worse. On our first excursion with the belly boats, about 2 hours into our fishing trip to Stan Coffin lake to fish for Blue Gills, I discovered that my old reliable waders, weren't all that reliable any more. The seam in the lower back (you know where I mean) had given way and water, very cold water, was seeping in aand slowly but surely filling my waders. I figured, no problem. I'll go back to shore, get some dry clothes and fisih from the bank. Unfortunately , when I got back to shore, stripped off my waders so I'm wearing wet sweat pants, I discover that the keys to the car are with my wife, still fishing from her belly boat. That's a very uncomfortable way to spend an afternoon.