
That was the second day in a row that we (Bill & I) had excitement. On Monday as we were leaving for me to take Bill to work, I heard a voice on a loud speaker, and looked down the street from our house and saw all kinds of police cars, the SWAT team, and crime tape. They had been in a stand off since 1:30 AM with a guy, they ended up having to use tear gas to get him out-no one was hurt.

Then on Tuesday when we pulled into the Woodland motel in Grayling for the fish-in, there was a state patrolman sitting there. We didn't think too much of it, just thought he was watching for speeders on the highway. Well, we unloaded the truck and then left to get supper.

When we came back, ready to relax for a while, there were two police cars blocking the drive of the motel. It turns out, just before we got there earlier they had had to have a drunk problem maker hauled away. When he was in the jail he started spouting about making bombs, so they had to come back out and call out the bomb squad.

We sat in the parking lot of the bank next to the motel and watched as they unloaded the robot. Then Bill got out the binoculars and watched what the robot was doing on the monitor in the bomb squad's truck. He was excited about watching it as it was going on. He saw as the robot pulled out the drawer of a night stand, and when it fell, two pipe bombs rolled out. They had to put them in the big bomb disposal tub and haul them away.

We finally got to go to our room about 11 PM, after having been up since 5:30AM and baking 7 dozen chocolate chip cookies (and going to bed at 1:30AM). Boy was I tired, but too excited to sleep.

I'm glad it's been quiet ever since. Never a dull day with the DeSavages!