As shortcaster said always ask for a better deal. They don't always give it to you but asking is free.

Also, if you plan on terminating the account just close your card with the current terms. You won't be able to use the card for any future purchases but you'll be able to pay it off at the current lower rate. Typically by not responding to the change in terms or by using the card after the change you are agreeing to the new terms.

I can't speak too negatively about their credit card since they did catch a fraud attempt this year before it even posted to my account. Although I felt they were very slow in getting me a new card. Not sure why they would make me wait 10 days for a new card since they lose money when I don't have my card. I was forced to use my backup card in the interim.

They did recently bump me up to the their signature card because I charge a fair amount each month. I didn't receive any rate increase but then I don't carry a balance so they probably aren't targeting me. I use the card for cabelas bucks, personal convenience and financial security.

I guess it's tough times for most folks including Cabelas. Their coupons are at a lower percentage then in the past. Their return policies are changing slightly but still very good. It will be interesting to see if BassPro follows this trend.