We haven't talked much to each other here, but I've always enjoyed your posts, and am concerned for your welfare. I've been dealing with a few health issues as well, and with a wife who's health nearly confines her to bed. These things can be daunting, and can mess with your psyche, as well as your well-being. Please don't sit and watch cable news all day, or sequester yourself and listen to melancholy music. It can really mess with your head. In the spirit of "take my advice, I''m not using it", take a break from your normal routines, and find something new to do. There's always something interesting available to occupy your interest, and perhaps light new fires. It doesn't have to relate to fishing. Do eat and sleep well, and get out of the house a couple of times a week. Most importantly, find someone who needs a helping hand, and then help. That will do wonders for your mind and soul, (and your body, if it's something physical). Check in now and then, and let us know what you're up to. You have friends here.