Quote Originally Posted by Silverexpress View Post
I was fishing a size 14 unweighted Hares Ear Nymph with about 0.9 grams of split shots crimped on, and with no floats or indicators on a 9+ ft leader.
Ditch the split shots, weight the fly.

Quote Originally Posted by Silverexpress View Post
3 times I hooked into three different fish. All broke free from my stupid excited reaction (really really bummed)..
Doing your Bill Dance impression?

Quote Originally Posted by Silverexpress View Post
However, I was able to land about 30+ little 1 pounders which after awhile got very annoying. They were basically getting in the way of my hooking more of the bigger fish.

My question is this..."What rig would you use to get to these 20+ " fish feeding from behind rocks on the river bed?". A rig that would also get past the little ones.
I don't use split shot, and the nymphs I use are all weighted. The only time I lose fish is when I use a size 18 BHPT which I rectified by tying them on size 14 scud hooks.

I suggest next time that you start with the smaller fish further down stream so as not to alert the bigger fish. That should get you settled down enough to hook/play the big boys to good affect.
