It is exactly what people say. A basket in which you place your line when stripping it in. It is generally used in salt water surf fishing situations where you have a hugh problem with surf pulling your free line all over the place and getting it tangled with mung. Below is LL Bean's product.

You can see the sticking up thinggies that stop your line from tangling.

All that being said I have one that I hate. It is a mesh basket and I have the hardest time stripping in line and getting it to the basket. I have wound up putting my basket on my left hip, slung low like a gunfighter . Does anyone have any advise as to how to move you stripping motion and place your line in the basket with a smooth flow. Do you strip back, then bring it forward and drop the line in the basket?


[This message has been edited by Jed (edited 03 December 2005).]