Yes, TJ. I had a very hard time understanding the spine due to different explanations and wording. I now think I understand the enigma of a thing called a spine. It is the "effective spine" as it changes all the way through the rod. I also have come to the conclusion that now that I know what the effective spine really is.....I don't care anymore. I do not think it has any...or a very minute affect on casting the rod. I have not built enough rods to maybe mine will end up on the spine, opposite, or who knows. I am going to look for the straightest axis or if it curves. If it curves I will put the guides on the opposite of the curve to help straighten the rod. However...let me fetch the I understand your post you state exactly what Skip says in his book. However this post of yours, and his book are a prime example of why the spine is so difficult to describe. I used an anology of a cereal bowl to describe how I think about it. You responded with absolutely NO reference to my cereal bowl. And I asked about the stiff side and the soft side. Your response does not use the word stiff or soft anywhere. Not only that but you used a new term...the Primary Spine. You talk about a Primary spine, a secondary spine and the power spine. None are clear and succinct answers to my question. I should not be stating this as I certainly do appreciate your help and do not want to make you mine enemy. Contraire....I really want you to be my friend because you know a lot and help me. but it is a prime example of why the spine is so difficult to get your arms around.

So I take it from your message that the INSIDE of my cereal bowl is the "effective spine" also know as the Primary Spine, also known as the power spine, also known as the stiff spine. And the outside of the cereal bowl sitting on the table is the "soft spine" and per Skip's book THAT is the spine the guides should be built on. that out. Now will see how you accept the message. Just an attempt to get the spine issue straight...and to think that I finally got it and know it for sure. What mixes it up is everyone talks in their own terms and not the terms of the questioner....and the spine is difficult enough as it is.

Thank you my friend.....still....I hope